Sunday Bible Study
Join us for a bible study before service each Sunday at 9AM in the conference room.
Host: Christina Johnston
Location: Grace Community Church Conference Room — Fort Worth
Time: Sunday 9AMGrace Young Adults
Helping young adults (2nd semester seniors to age 25) grow a deeper understanding of the Word of God, this group takes the Bible one chapter at a time, seeing how it connects to the bigger picture, and builds relationships with one another through conversation and games. We will be on break until February.
Host: Justus & Amanda Weiss
Location: Weiss Home — Fort Worth
Time: Thursdays, 7pmFamily, Food & Fellowship
Bring food for your family and get the fellowship, as we hang out together after Sunday service (this is not a potluck). Each family will provide a meal for themselves. Bring a meal from home, Door Dash or go pick something up after church, and bring it back. This will be hosted every 4th Sunday of the month at 12:00 (after children’s church releases), in the Community Building Main Hall.
Host: Doug Johnston
Location: Community Building Main Hall
Time: 4th Sunday of the month at 12 noonTwo by Two
Join us for date nights and Bible discussions as we journey together to deepen our relationships and grow in God’s love and purpose for our marriages. Childcare is not provided at this time.
Host: David & Saundra Halstead
Location: Varies
Time: 2x/month (2nd Tuesday & 4th Friday)Live Life Together
Bring your favorite brunch dish and join us for conversation and prayer around the table. Children are welcome but will be expected to
participate in the activities.Host: Ben & Crystal Weiss
Location: Weiss Home – Keller
Time: 2nd Saturdays, 11am-1pm#marriedlife
Strengthen your marriage with faith, fellowship, and fun! Join us for date nights and Bible discussions as we journey together to deepen our relationships and grow in God’s love and purpose for our marriages.
Host:Tyler and Annelise Delphous
Location:Delphous Home – Keller
Time:6:30-8:30PMHomeschool Hangouts
Homeschool families of Grace Community Church come together once a month to hang out with learning and fun! Events vary from outings to themed events. Through fellowship, we can support and love on each other as we journey through homeschool life together!
Host: Mia Bell
Location: Varies
Time: VariesPrayer & Praise
Whether you are a strong prayer warrior or new to praying in front of others, join us as we meet to pray and praise God for all the things He is doing in the community, through the church, and in our lives.
Host: Michelle Catalano
Location: Grace Community Church — N Fort Worth
Time: 1st Saturdays, 9am-10amMan Breakfast
A weekly time for men to gather. Buy your own breakfast. Bring your unbelieving friends.
Host: Tad Eckerle;
Location: Denny’s (6480 North Fwy.) — N Fort Worth
Time: Saturdays, 7:30amDigging In
A weekly group that digs deep into scripture, exploring one book of the Bible at a time.
Host: Ron & Stephanie Rotthaus or
Location: Grace Community Church — N Fort Worth & Zoom
Time: Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pmHow To Join Online?
Email if you would like to participate via Zoom.Men’s Life Chat
A daily call to encourage men. Call (605) 313-5086 then enter 641804# to hear the recorded call.
Host: Ron Rotthaus
Location: Phone
Time: Mondays-Fridays, 8:30amCoffee with Crystal
A time for women to lift each other up with prayer and encouragement as we share our victories and prayer requests.
Host: Crystal Weiss
Location: Weiss Home — Keller
Time: Every other Monday, 12:30pm-2:30pm